Monday, December 28, 2015

Goodbye 2015

Normally, I love New Years.  I have always viewed it as a time for new beginnings, a time to make changes to better myself.  I'm just not feeling it this year.

I've been trying to figure out something I could change, but I feel like, while there is plenty for me to better about myself, there isn't anything I want to focus on.  At least not for this year particularly.  I am always trying to do better in one area or another.

When Gretchen Rubin said in her book Happier than Before that she tried to come up with one word that serves as her goal for the new year, it got me thinking.

Is there one word that would capture what I want to change for next year?  I couldn't come up with one word but I came up with a phrase.  'Become My Best Self'.  I guess what I mean by that is to up my game in every aspect of my life.  Give my best effort in every aspect of my life.

My plan is to ask myself if my actions are in line with what I picture for my best self.  If they aren't try and do better, and if they are, give myself a gold star.

What is your New Years Resolution?

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