Monday, January 18, 2016

My Battle with Clutter

I hate clutter.  When I see something sitting on the counter, my instinct is to get rid of it immediately.  Unfortunately this has led me to throw too many things away.  Important things such as envelopes of money, my children's homework, W2's.  Of course, when I throw these things away, I feel incredibly guilty and promise not to do it again, well until the next time.

I tell my family a way to avoid this is to put stuff away.  The problem is, they think putting things on the counter top, desk top, or table top is away.  That way when they need it again, it is right there.  My argument is, if we leave everything we need out, we will become one of those families on the hoarders show.

"A lot of people express that they are overwhelmed," says Lynne Gilberg, a professional organizer in West Los Angeles, Calif. "They become nonfunctional and nonproductive," she says. That's when they call her in desperation.
"Clutter is bad for your physical and mental health," Gilberg says. Too much clutter can be a fire hazard. Dust, mold, and animal dander that collect in cluttered homes are all bad for allergies and asthma.
"When people see clutter, they use language like 'suffocating,' and 'I can't breathe,' agrees Walsh. Clutter can be a physical manifestation of mental health issues, Walsh tells WebMD. Those overwhelmed with "memory" clutter may have an undue preoccupation with things in the past and become depressed. Those who can't toss out items because they worry they will need them may be too anxious, he says. (Web MD.)
Having things out makes me itch to put it away. I do feel overwhelmed and suffocated.  I believe it even makes me feel depressed.  In my mind, my family is at fault, they should just put things away, and we all will be more at peace.  Plus, if you put something where it goes, you can find it when you need it.

I am wondering if other people suffer from the clutter battle, and how you deal with it.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Critical Monday

Hey all my fellow Netflix lovers, I have a new one for you.  It is called Broadchurch.

It is set in a small town in England where everyone knows everyone else, except the mean new detective.  The town finds an eleven year old boy on the beach who has been strangled to death.

One of the lead detectives on the case has a son who is the dead child's best friend.  This is a good cause for a lot of conflict.  It seems like everyone she knows is a suspect, the least of which is the child's father.

While this show was a little slow to start it picked up until we watched the last four episodes in one evening.  I found it  odd it only had eight episodes, so I reached out to my cousins wife asking her why English shows tended to have less episodes than American ones.

She wasn't sure, but a friend of hers suggested that English people will 'quit while they are a head' instead of the American way, where we suck every last ounce of profit out of something until the audience is so sick of it they will never watch it again.  I had to laugh at this, knowing she is very likely right.

I loved how this was set in England because it made me feel that even though I was slovenly watching hours of television, I was also having a cultural experience.  It is so strange how we speak the same language, yet there are times when I have no idea what they are saying.

Plus, I loved how the main character was a mom in her 40's with a pot belly.  She looked like a real person, not some over made up model.  It was refreshing.

This show is definitely worth your time so check it out.

(Photo from