Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Why the title?

It feels like I spend so much time wishing things were different, as I am sure most people do.  I get caught up in that cycle of thinking if only this would happen, or I would be happy if that would happen, yet often when the desired outcome is achieved, I feel unfulfilled, even let down. 

Though I am a firm believer in making things happen and not waiting around for life to happen to me, I still think there are times when I need to accept it.  It is what it is, particularly about my past.  I can't grow backwards, so accept it, and move forward. 

I love to write but in the past have been afraid of writing a blog for fear that no one care what I have to say, but realized most people writing a blog, are just people who like to write, and want a place that it will get read. 

This blog is going to be life according to Andrea, so consider yourself warned.  I want to discuss topics that come across my daily life, and how I have succeeded or failed in dealing with them. 

Thanks for reading if you are interested, and not offense if you aren't. 

1 comment:

  1. This is gonna be exciting!!!! I have been wanting to read some of your work like, your books for instance but hey, if u are gonna start a blog this is gonna be great too!!!! Can't wait!!!!
