Monday, October 19, 2015

No Soda for 30 Days


I have had a life long love affair with soda, I mean next to Brian, it is the love of my life.  I can't remember when I started drinking it, only that it was always around.  Growing up friends would comment on the refrigerator full of a variety of drinks, often with some jealousy. 

I love the bursting sound of a can of Diet Dr. Pepper 10 opening.  Looking at this picture, I can hear the ice cracking and the soda fizzing, as it pours into the glass.  It makes my mouth water being all to familiar with the sensation of the bubbling liquid flowing over my taste buds. Not too mention the burst of energy from the caffeine when it hits my system.  I love this stuff more than anything else. 

There are reasons to give it up though none of the evidence is concrete.  Studies say things like 'It might cause tooth erosion', or 'It could be bad for your bones'.  However, one comment stuck with me, 'It has no nutritional value'.  I think it is pretty obvious when I can't pronounce half the ingredients, it's probably not too good for me. 

So when I decided to do the Whole 30 diet, and soda was on the list of no no's, I decided it was time.  My one a day habit has slowly been creeping up to two and sometimes even more.  I can do this for 30 days because I know it is good for me, but I'm not promising anything beyond that. 

What is your pet bad habit?  Could you give it up for a month?

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