Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Science Fair (aka homework for parents)

I'm not going to lie, I hate science.  It's my lowest score on any standardized test I have ever taken, and the only class in college I almost failed, was Biology 101.  I'm sure it comes as no surprise as I am a more right brained kind of person, and science is far out of my skill set. 

So at back to school night when my son's teacher says she requires the science fair I let out an audible groan, like loud enough she could hear me.  She apologized and explained it away by saying it was a great learning experience for the kids, and how they were going to do a lot of the work at school.  Seriously, does she actually believe this?

I had to hold myself back from reminding her of her words when my son brought home a two page list of due dates for upcoming assignments associated with the science fair.  The first of which is to come up with a topic.  Let's be realistic, my 10 year old is supposed to come up with a topic on his own?  I don't think so. 

His teacher told him his idea had to be useful, (quickly shooting down my Coke vs. Pepsi blind taste test), and original.  The first science fair was held in 1928, does she actually think there is an experiment fit for a fifth grader that hasn't been done?  

After about 45 minutes on the internet we finally came up with something I haven't heard of before, and is fairly simple, and cheap.  Now, we only have about 20 more assignments to go, before we spend hours on a poster board, that in the end will be done mainly by me. 

I know you are thinking, let him do it himself.  I tried that theory with my older son when he had to do a float for his history class.  I show up to the float parade my heart sinking as I see my son's is the sorriest looking float there.  It was humiliating, and I decided I wouldn't let my kids suffer that way again. 

So I will suffer through this and cross my fingers it is the last science fair project I will ever have to do. 

Image result for science beaker

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