Monday, October 26, 2015

What's For Dinner?

I get that question around 5:00pm everyday, usually as I start to pull the ingredients for dinner out of the refrigerator.  When I offer "Pot roast" or "Shrimp Scampi" it is followed by inevitable groan, and usually a "Gross."

My children are junk food addicts.  They would happily spend their days eating corn chips, soda, premade brownies, frozen pizza, macaroni and cheese, chicken nugget, and hot pockets.
I know, I feel like I am at a meeting where I stand up and say "My name is Andrea, and I am a terrible mother."

I don't know how it got so bad, when I finally gave in and decided I couldn't fight it anymore.  Soda used to be a weekend thing, and chicken nugget were for that rare occasion when we picked up some fast food.  Now those things have permanent residence in my home. 

I do make them eat a good meal once a day for dinner including the much dreaded vegetable, but one serving a day of a vegetable and healthy meat, can't be enough.  I eat vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with some kind of healthy snack like nuts. 

I have tried the experiment where I don't buy the junk so the only thing to eat is fruit and vegetables and cheese sticks.  I did it for an entire month was the worst month of my life.  My kids were constantly complaining of hunger and in the end proved to be more stubborn than I. 

My only hope lies in the fact that I ate as they did when I was a child.  My lunch in high school was a Coke and a Grandma's pink cookie.  Often I would come home and have another soda and a bag of chips.  To end the night we would usually go out to dinner.  I don't blame my parents.  I was a terribly picky eater and my mom worked full time so making dinner was difficult. 

I don't have the answer and certainly not the strength to fight them.  My advice, start when your kids are very little and never let the junk food take over your life.     

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